SB8: Lompoc to Santa Barbara

Stats (today)

Start to finish: 8:00 AM to 1:40 PM

Distance: 46.3 miles

Seat time: 3 h 30 min

Average speed: 13.3 mph

Summary stats (8 riding days)

Total distance: 374 miles

Average ride duration: 6 h 27 min

Average seat time: 3 h 58 min

Overall average speed: 11.8 mph

Average daily distance: 46.8 miles

Today’s ride was simple to navigate and a low-stress end for this cycling adventure. We followed Hwy 1 for about 18 miles mainly through rolling undeveloped hills. This segment of road was superb for cycling. Wide shoulder, silky surface, and only light to moderate traffic. Then we merged onto Hwy 101, just before the Gaviota Rest Stop. We rode the generally wide shoulder for a long stretch of about 22 miles, many of which were freeway. The last six miles were straight along a suburban artery to the SB Airport, where we picked up a large minivan to carry us and the bikes back home, a 5-hour drive.

Here’s an odd detail. All three bikes were flawless throughout the trip. Then, at the exact moment of completion, both Alison and I got flat tires. The bicycling gods smiled on this trip, but reminded us to stay humble!

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