SB4: Carmel to Lucia


Start to finish: 9:15 AM to 5:00 PM

Distance: 51.7 miles

Climb: 4290 feet

Seat time: 4 h 37 min

Average speed: 11.1 mph

We knew this would be our toughest day. Longest distance (by a bit). Most climbing (by a lot). Fourth day of consecutive riding, meaning our reserves are depleted but we’re not yet in full touring shape. Given these factors, we did great!

The scenic beauty is first rate. Traffic was heavy, but not oppressive. The road surface seemed better than I remember. Yes, the shoulder did often disappear, but for large segments, riding on the shoulder outside the lane line was practical. It was another cool and cloudy day; good for riding, but more sunshine would have lifted the mood. (The sun was out only briefly, captured in the first photo.)

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